I finished school over a week ago, but it took a couple days to set in that I'm finally finished with the semester. This probably has something to do with how busy I've been since I turned in my last paper. On Friday, I (finally) got the recall fixed on my car, went to lunch with Austin and Kiera, and then made the six-hour drive to Austin with Austin. (We carpooled since he was going to see his girlfriend that weekend. Also, let me mention here that we played the Alphabet Game and I won with Z for Zephyr, Texas. *self five*)
Upon arriving, Melany and I met Britny and KaCee at Magnolia for our traditional meal of omelettes, hamburgers, and mimosas. Afterwards, we went back to Melany's apartment, and Melany and Britny studied for awhile* while KaCee and I talked and drank rum. On Saturday, we slept in, ate Chipotle, watched this hilarious stand-up, and saw Frightened Rabbit.
Specifically, it was "A Solo Night with Frightened Rabbit," which meant only the lead singer was there with his acoustic guitar (so technically it should have been called "A Solo Night with Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit" to avoid confusion, but I digress). Graham Wilkinson opened for him and also had really great boots. Then Scott came out in all his bearded, Scottish glory and was like, "I thought I'd just sing all of Midnight Organ Fight and then take some requests," and everyone was like, "UM, SURE. SOUNDS GREAT, SCOTT." It was beautiful, to say the very least.
I could have listened to him sing for many more hours, but luckily he didn't because my car almost got towed. I say this nonchalantly, like it wasn't a terrifying experience, but it totally was. We paid for parking until eleven, and when we walked up at 11:24 my car was already rigged and being lifted. I, incredibly confused and beginning to panic, ran up to the guy and said, "Um, this is my car?" He never said a word, but immediately let my car down, took all the stuff off the wheels, and drove away to me (still confused) yelling, "Thank you?" after him.
The moral of the story here is this: If the only options for parking are until 11 PM for five dollars or until 6 AM for ten dollars, go ahead and pay the extra five even if you aren't planning on being downtown past midnight because you may not always have a nice, mute tow truck guy that gives you your car back.
On Sunday, we went to the Elf quote-along (which was a blast) and met KaCee and her boyfriend Kyle for a late dinner at 24Diner (which is a new favorite). On Monday, I finally got to go kayaking with KaCee. The day was relatively warm, we brought Gretel along, and ate sandwiches Melany made for us under the Pedestrian Bridge. I see many more kayaking adventures in our future. That evening, I went with KaCee to get her tattoo, which turned out so freaking awesome. I was incredibly tempted to get one of the three other tattoos I want, but resisted the urge. Mainly because I am incredibly broke at the moment.
And now, we are a mere THREE DAYS away from CHRISTMAS. I work tonight and am leaving to go home for the week tomorrow. Santa's coming. I'm stoked, guys.
* The fact that Melany was frantically trying to finish a paper for three of the four days I was in Austin is the real reason it took so long to realize I was already finished with school. I was stressed by association.
Upon arriving, Melany and I met Britny and KaCee at Magnolia for our traditional meal of omelettes, hamburgers, and mimosas. Afterwards, we went back to Melany's apartment, and Melany and Britny studied for awhile* while KaCee and I talked and drank rum. On Saturday, we slept in, ate Chipotle, watched this hilarious stand-up, and saw Frightened Rabbit.
Specifically, it was "A Solo Night with Frightened Rabbit," which meant only the lead singer was there with his acoustic guitar (so technically it should have been called "A Solo Night with Scott Hutchison of Frightened Rabbit" to avoid confusion, but I digress). Graham Wilkinson opened for him and also had really great boots. Then Scott came out in all his bearded, Scottish glory and was like, "I thought I'd just sing all of Midnight Organ Fight and then take some requests," and everyone was like, "UM, SURE. SOUNDS GREAT, SCOTT." It was beautiful, to say the very least.
I could have listened to him sing for many more hours, but luckily he didn't because my car almost got towed. I say this nonchalantly, like it wasn't a terrifying experience, but it totally was. We paid for parking until eleven, and when we walked up at 11:24 my car was already rigged and being lifted. I, incredibly confused and beginning to panic, ran up to the guy and said, "Um, this is my car?" He never said a word, but immediately let my car down, took all the stuff off the wheels, and drove away to me (still confused) yelling, "Thank you?" after him.
The moral of the story here is this: If the only options for parking are until 11 PM for five dollars or until 6 AM for ten dollars, go ahead and pay the extra five even if you aren't planning on being downtown past midnight because you may not always have a nice, mute tow truck guy that gives you your car back.
On Sunday, we went to the Elf quote-along (which was a blast) and met KaCee and her boyfriend Kyle for a late dinner at 24Diner (which is a new favorite). On Monday, I finally got to go kayaking with KaCee. The day was relatively warm, we brought Gretel along, and ate sandwiches Melany made for us under the Pedestrian Bridge. I see many more kayaking adventures in our future. That evening, I went with KaCee to get her tattoo, which turned out so freaking awesome. I was incredibly tempted to get one of the three other tattoos I want, but resisted the urge. Mainly because I am incredibly broke at the moment.
And now, we are a mere THREE DAYS away from CHRISTMAS. I work tonight and am leaving to go home for the week tomorrow. Santa's coming. I'm stoked, guys.
* The fact that Melany was frantically trying to finish a paper for three of the four days I was in Austin is the real reason it took so long to realize I was already finished with school. I was stressed by association.
Congratulations on being done with the semester! And it certainly sounds like you've been starting your winter break off fabulously. Ugh, all of the Frightened Rabbit Instagrams made me so jelly. I would've been freaking out about my car almost being towed! Thank goodness you got back right at that time. And D'OHHHH KAYACKING WITH GRETEL SO CUTE. Also, KaCee's tattoo is so freaking cool.
Maggie, I miss you!
So so so so jealous you got to see Frightened Rabbit, er, at least Scott Hutchinson (who almost has the same last name as me)!! I bet he was ace live. Also, I didn't know he and I almost had the last name. Plus they're Scottish...
Seriously, though. I think it was you who shared Acts of Man around this time last year and I've been in love with the band ever since. Did you read about the Holiday giveaway they're doing (did?)?
I'm sorry your car almost got towed but glad you had good karma to not take it away from you forever.
Have a great Christmas, dear!
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