Friday, July 20, 2012

Instagram Recap: Summer So Far

Like most everything I do, I intended to write this post a few days ago. I wanted to finish it before I left for Seattle, but writing it during our flight and five-hour layover is the only time I could find. Close enough, right? (At this moment, we are actually in the air somewhere between Lubbock and Las Vegas.)

I love my Canon and have been doing my best to take more pictures with it, but I cannot deny how much easier it is to carry my phone and use it to snap a quick pic, slap a filter on, and share on Twitter. A lot of my favorite pictures from this summer so far have been taken using Instagram, so I'm going to do a little recap and share my favorites. (Luckily, Julia discovered an app sometime last year called PostalPix that you can use to order your Instagram pics! I have a lot plastered on my walls now.)

This summer has consisted of what my life usually consists of (sans writing papers, so I've had more time for the other things). I've spent some quality time with my buddies–staying up late, seeing movies, going on little adventures, and talking for hours. I've also played a lot of cards with my grandparents, which is something I've sorely missed, and have tried to help out and spend more time with them.

I was able to go home for a bit before my summer session started, and my family has been able to visit Lubbock as well. While I haven't seen them as much as I wanted this summer, at least I have gotten to spend some time with them (as well as cuddle with Schnookums for a night or two).

A few other summer-y highlights to mention: Seeing Madagascar 3 twice, eating my weight in peaches, finding a pair of skinny jeans that were actually skinny jeans at American Eagle, KaCee and Jacob's adorable (but annoying) puppy Gretel, beautiful sunsets on my evening runs, spending the Fourth of July with family and Husmann, and the best chocolate chip pancakes I have ever had at iHop.

I hope you have had a lovely summer so far as well! I'll be back soon with something Seattle-related. (To Amy, Dillon, Shelby, Mayte, Natalie, Lina, and Nicola: I'll see you in a few days.)



Natalie said...

I can't believe you're on the way to Seattle, and I will be too in a matter of days. It doesn't seem real. It is just so easy to take pictures with the handy dandy all-in-one iPhone. I love all of your Instagram photos! I had no idea there was a way to actually order prints of them. It sounds like your summer has been full of wonderful so far, but I think next week it will get even better. :)

Lizzie said...

I wish I had an iPhone for the ease of Instagram! I'm considering purchasing a smaller point-and-shoot to carry around (my Canon received a battle scar upset), but yeah. I'm babbling again.

These photos are great. Your grandparents are ADORABLE. Is that weird to think your grandparents are adorable? Oh well. Too late.

/forever sad I can't go to Seattle.
/looking forward to the liveblog, Skype calls, postcards and recaps. :)

Kaylie said...

Have such a lovely time in Seattle! I can't wait to see pictures.

lina said...

see you soon : )

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