● I'm currently in the library trying to check off a few things on my to-do list, like order my last two textbooks from Chegg, while I wait for my night class. Unfortunately, TTU's Internet is being fickle today and refuses to load certain websites.
● Fortunately, Blogger is loading just fine.
● Listen to this song.
● Thanks to an exhausting eleven-hour shift at work, I fell asleep at eight last night. I didn't get any homework finished, but I did get twelve hours of sleep.
● My bangs are much too long at the moment, but I haven't been able to find time to run to my hairdresser and certainly do not trust myself to trim them. It's a struggle.
● I made an A on my first two quizzes of the semester. *high fives self*
● In my History of Sexuality textbook (a.k.a. the most interesting textbook ever), I read about Thomas/Thomasine Hall, a resident of seventeenth century Virginia, who told his fellow townspeople he was "both man and woman."
● KaCee just called me sobbing. I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, but did hear "I'm so sad" and something about someone getting shot. Then I realized she was talking about Breaking Bad.
● (I should've known. It was just like the time she called me crying about Mr. Rogers.)
● If you're in search of the next great Pandora station, look no further than Sean Hayes.
● To no one's surprise, I made it about a day before I broke and bought Scholastic's fifteenth anniversary editions of the Harry Potter books. (My resolution is shaky at best.) In my defense, they were on sale and I had a coupon.
● Speaking of Harry Potter, I'm currently on the sixth one in my reread. Unfortunately, with the start of school, I have much less time to read for fun. (Read: I have no time to read for fun.)
● Yesterday, I found out there are grapes that taste like cotton candy in the world. What a time to be alive.
● Today is Britny's 21st birthday, and I'll be driving to Austin this weekend to celebrate. Holla at yo' girl.
● Have a good week, all!
● Fortunately, Blogger is loading just fine.
● Listen to this song.
● Thanks to an exhausting eleven-hour shift at work, I fell asleep at eight last night. I didn't get any homework finished, but I did get twelve hours of sleep.
● My bangs are much too long at the moment, but I haven't been able to find time to run to my hairdresser and certainly do not trust myself to trim them. It's a struggle.
● I made an A on my first two quizzes of the semester. *high fives self*
● In my History of Sexuality textbook (a.k.a. the most interesting textbook ever), I read about Thomas/Thomasine Hall, a resident of seventeenth century Virginia, who told his fellow townspeople he was "both man and woman."
● KaCee just called me sobbing. I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, but did hear "I'm so sad" and something about someone getting shot. Then I realized she was talking about Breaking Bad.
● (I should've known. It was just like the time she called me crying about Mr. Rogers.)
● If you're in search of the next great Pandora station, look no further than Sean Hayes.
● To no one's surprise, I made it about a day before I broke and bought Scholastic's fifteenth anniversary editions of the Harry Potter books. (My resolution is shaky at best.) In my defense, they were on sale and I had a coupon.
● Speaking of Harry Potter, I'm currently on the sixth one in my reread. Unfortunately, with the start of school, I have much less time to read for fun. (Read: I have no time to read for fun.)
● Yesterday, I found out there are grapes that taste like cotton candy in the world. What a time to be alive.
● Today is Britny's 21st birthday, and I'll be driving to Austin this weekend to celebrate. Holla at yo' girl.
● Have a good week, all!
I want to taste cotton candy grapes.
I understand KaCee's Breaking Bad tears. I UNDERSTAND.
and, I can't wait to start my reread of Harry Potter. The new editions are SO PRETTY.
I've been enjoying the excerpts you've been posting from your textbook.
OH MY GOSH NO SPOILERS BREAKING BAD AHHHHH NOOOOOOO I have yet to catch up and I'm scared.
Oh my gosh, I need to buy the new set of Harry Potter. I really need to. Resistance is futile.
(I have tried to leave this comment four times)
HEY GURL HEY. I'm super excited for you to be here!
I think Natalie was trying to high five you for your ass.
This list makes me happy. You make me happy.
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