Friday, April 22, 2016

A Few Things

Let me tell you something–being sad is exhausting. Distracting yourself from being sad is exhausting. If there was ever a time to "fake it 'til you make it," it's during a break-up. It's been getting better, but my brain is still a little foggy. For example: I thought I had dropped my ring as I was walking out of my apartment the other morning. I found it later on my finger.

So it really goes without saying that I need a few good things to focus on. Today is Friday and it's my day off, so we're already off to a good start, but here are a few more.

→ I just discovered there is a Juiceland a block away from my work (even though I've been at this branch for over eight months), which means I am now spending, like, $20 a week on smoothies. Totally worth it though. Nothing more refreshing on these warmer days than a smoothie and Juiceland is the best. There are tons of locations all over Austin (and one in Houston and Brooklyn), so stop by and treat yourself!

→ If you haven't watched the newest Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them trailer (though surely you have), it's very important that you do so. Try not to openly weep and/or yell during the revamped "Hedwig's Theme."

→ Save this one for when you need a good laugh.

→ I was finally able to download and listen to The Lumineers' new album Cleopatra today and it was so worth the four year wait. I bought tickets to see them in September and I'm even more excited now, which I didn't think was possible.

→ Augusten Burrough's Lust & Wonder was released about a month ago and I devoured it last week. He is one of my favorite writers and his newest memoir did not disappoint. Go snag a signed copy at BookPeople before they're all gone!

If you're going through a hard time and (mostly) faking it like I am, just keep in mind 1) you are never alone in this, and 2) we'll get there! Every day we're getting better at getting better. Have a great weekend, all!



Natalie said...

I have yet to read Lust & Wonder or listen to Cleopatra, but I am saving those things for next weekend when I will have a greater need to distract myself from overwhelming anxiety about the future than I do this weekend! ha...ha...

But anyway, Maggie, you're a wonderful human being. Like REALLY wonderful. I hope you have a good weekend, too. <3

Unknown said...

I'm late reading this.

You're totally doing your thing and you're doing GREAT! I love you and adore you and can't wait until I get to see you next!

(From Shelby, on Sam's account :))

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