Sunday, March 1, 2015

Looking up

To be honest, I've been feeling a little burnt out. I'm always tired, and the only thing I feel like doing when I'm not at work is sleep. I'm not sure what it is exactly. I think I just need a weekend off. The weekends I haven't had to work, I've either been traveling or entertaining. It's been awhile since I've had a couple days off with no plans, and I'm really, really looking forward to next weekend because of this. Hopefully, I will be able to spend the entirety of it in my pajamas.

Those busy weekends were great though.

One of the weekends between now and the last time I blogged, my family came down for a visit. I took them to some of my very favorite places–Magnolia, the Pedestrian Bridge, South Congress, the Capitol, Pinthouse Pizza, etc. I love showing people Austin, my Austin. I want people to see why I love the city so much (which usually leads to me over-thinking everything and asking, "Are you having fun? Are you really having fun?" about five million times, which is not fun, but I'm working on it). I just want to be the hostess with the mostest, you know?

The two holiday weekends (hooray for bank holidays!) were spent in Lubbock. They were short visits, but I was able to fit a lot in each time. It all felt really normal, like I'd never left. Like I casually slipped into my life of four months ago.

I slept in my old room at Denny and D-Dad's, and one night Julia stayed over too. I played cards, ate at Casa Olé, and made doughnuts. I went to eat with Kiera on her lunch break, and Gabby joined us the second time. I stayed up until two in the morning watching The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with D-Dad. And each time before I left, Denny handed me packages of toilet paper, powdered sugar, cans of soup, cake mix, and more (because she's Denny and that's what she does).

At one point over breakfast, D-Dad pulled out an atlas and showed me every place he'd ever lived, travelled to, and wishes he could travel to. He pointed out a route along the west coast that he'd always wanted to drive, but said that now the trip would be too hard. "I always wanted to, but we made excuses, put it off, and now we can't," he said. "Father Time stops for no one. That's why you should go now. Seize the day. Carpe diem, as they say."

In the end, the busy weekends and tired weekdays are worth it.



Dillon said...

In my eyes you will always be the hostess with the mostess. Hope you have a relaxing weekend soon!

Eliza J Clark said...

Hey! I love your blog so I thought I'd nominate you for the Liebster Award (it's like a Q&A style tag to bring attention to smaller blogs). The questions are on my blog if you wanted to take part. xx

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