Sunday, October 16, 2016

October Goals

I'm sure you thought you would never hear from me again, but I am back to give this goal-setting thing another try... even though we're already halfway through the month. (I would just wait until next month, but I'd already made the graphic, so whatever.) Let's go over the last goals I set (you know, in June) before getting into October.

01. STICK TO MY FOOD BUDGET | I did it! Then I fell off the wagon again in July, but August and September were successes! I still need to work on some of my habits, but I've been packing a lunch for work nearly every day and making dinner at home more often than not.
02. GET MY HAIR COLORED | Done! Per Nicole's recommendation, I went to Shellie at Frenchy's Beauty Parlor, and she did a fantastic job! Also, the shop itself is super cute–all pink and glitter and glamour. I'll definitely be going back.

Two for two! I decided quality over quantity for June, and it worked out in my favor! I'm going to try the same thing for October since, you know, there are only two weeks left now.

I take my fancy BookPeople Nalgene to work every day, but there are some days that I don't manage to finish even one liter. I think I honestly just forget about it most of the time, but hopefully I can make it a habit this month.

I'm not a morning person in general. Most days I can't convince myself to get out of bed until about twenty minutes before I have to leave for work, so you can only imagine the success I've had trying to get up early enough to exercise. I usually workout in the evenings, but since my schedule changes every week that's not always feasible. I figure if I can do it once I can do it again.

So that's it! Have you set any goals for the month? Don't forget to link up with Nicole over at writes like a girl!


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